A downloadable game for Windows

Hey hey, people! BossWeapons! Here.

Strawberry Jam 8 is drawing close and here's my shoddy contribution to the jam. A small "action game" about booping some dragons in the snoot!

The game has some issues, ranging from poorly balanced audio to code breaking in the middle for reasons! But it should run all the way through just fine, unless I messed up something before exporting the project into an executable.

I also forgot to code a button to QUIT the game or EXIT the application while the game is not in the Main Menu, so you'll have to sit through it in one go to get back to the menu or just close the game either by ALT+F4 or clicking the X in the corner.

You are a brave adventurer on his way through the Under Mountain and the brood of Dragons that reside within. Fight your way through the shoddy dungeon and don't get beaten up by the naughty dragons or you'll be used and abused and tossed all the way back to the beginning. There are no checkpoints.

ENTER and S keys choose menu options and skip things. - A/Start on a controller.

ARROW keys move around and navigate menus. - Sticks and D-PAD on a controller.

Q and E strafes. - Left Stick on a controller.

W and SHIFT lets you run. - Y/Triangle on a controller.

S and F key activates in game objects. - A/X key on a controller.

A to attack. - X/Square on a controller.

D to block attacks. - B/Circle a controller.

X resets your view. - Clicking Right Stick a controller.

Z and C keys look Down and Up. - Right Stick a controller.

ENTER while in game allows you to turn on simulated FPS drops for when enemies draw near for that extra awful feeling. Use the arrow keys to change the setting ON or OFF.

If you get slapped by the dragons, you can look around and zoom in and out using the movement keys. S key (A/X on a controller) switches the view and ENTER (Start on a controller) lets you skip to the end.

The game is quite amateurish, frustrating and all in all quite horrible. But hey, it's my first 3D game ever and a learning experience at that. I can only get better from here on out!

Have fun!


- Uploaded a new version of the game. The controls have been changed and gamepad support has been added, though you still can't map your own keys and I didn't make any sweeping changes in fear of breaking something. 

- Also fixed some minor bugs and touched on some assets to reduce the file size. 

- There's also a save feature for the EXTRAs menu after finding and interacting with the Power Pedestal. No more playing through the game over and over in case you want to lewd over dragon scenes. One playthrough is enough. 

- I may add more updates later, but the code for the game is such a mess that any larger changes would require pulling blocks out of the holy tower of Jenga and probably just implode the whole thing into a pile of rubble.

- I still forgot to add the EXIT button while not in the main menu. Oh well!

- The old version remains up in case somebody really badly wants to play the game and the updated game doesn't  run properly for some reason.

Release date Feb 28, 2024
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(62 total ratings)
Made withBlender, Aseprite, Godot, GIMP, Audacity
Tags3D, Dragons, Fantasy, First-Person, Furry, NSFW, PSX (PlayStation), scaly, sex, Short
Average sessionAbout a half-hour


SlayTheDragon_1_1_0.7z 38 MB
SlayTheDragon_1_0_1.7z 102 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run the .exe! Should be good to go. 

The game might not run properly or at all on older versions of Windows and integrated laptop GPUs.

Development log


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game too difficult (tedious, actually) , and i don't know how much longer till i reach the boss. so i quit.

Yeah. I agree with you. It is quite tedious. Not everybody's cup of tea. Thanks for trying the game out anyway.

Heck yeah horny King's Field with dragons sign me up

Animations were great, models were great, had a good time.

Only real complaint I had is the red orbs were kind of depressing... Game development is hard, cut yourself some slack! Considering short deadline and such I think it turned out really good! And was this a solo project? Good on ya.

There were a couple of entries about "I wanted this, but had to cut it" and just know that that's unfortunately very normal for game development. Especially when time constraints get involved.

Another thing you mentioned in the orbs was some qualms with game or level design so figured I'd mention the youtube channel GMTK (Game Maker's Toolkit)

He talks about a bunch of different aspects of game design and is a highly recommended watch from me if you feel a need to improve in that area.


Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

Yeah, the whole project was a bit of a struggle to put together that quickly. Part of me wants to re-visit the game and build a new, enhanced version of it from scratch at some point.

After a year of learning how to code properly and make "video games" I still find level design to be perhaps the most difficult aspect of the entire process. The YouTube channel you suggested seems to have plenty of neat videos concerning game development overall. Think I'll take a look.

Hope it helps!

This was really fun, the bossfight takes too long for my taste but I love all the animations and the style. Do you have anywhere we can follow you/support you? I would love to see more in the future.


Thanks. I'm glad you liked the game even if it is very crude and hastily put together.

I've no other sites beyond this very itch page here. So if you'd like to keep an eye on when and if I release anything new, this would be the place. I do have several projects on going, but none of them have made it to a point where they could be released as actual games though.

I can't open the game, it's not an .exe file, it's a .7z file

The game's exe file is packed in the zip file. You need something to extract its contents with, such as 7-zip.


please fix the game it won't open

Sorry to hear the game isn't working for you.

The most likely reason why the game wont run would be if you're using an older laptop with an integrated graphics chipset. Beyond that I can't really say what's wrong with it. The game runs on my own computer normally.

how to open the damn grate

It's a bit cryptic, but if you haven't already given up completely and couldn't figure it out yet, you need to defeat and smooch all the enemies along the way. There are two gates, the second one allows you to skip one or two enemies. I can't remember anymore exactly how many.


Why is it the Shrek one xdd


Because she's the best dragon. ~

Deleted 48 days ago


Game dev is really difficult, I agree. It's not too hard to make a bunch of separate systems, but putting them all together in a way where they work along or with each other is the most difficult part.

I've slowly been working on something new for the past month or two as time allows and with any luck there could be something new here before the year ends. 

I haven't decided yet if I want to release something unfinished, akin to an early demo or a vertical slice or if I should finish the entire project before I put it out here. 

Guess we'll see.

(1 edit) (-1)

So i never unlocked an extra tab in my menu? I beat the dragon but never unlocked anything unless im just missing it


You also need to find and interact with the special in game pedestal a few times. 

The "updated" game doesn't actually even care about if you beat the dragon in the end anymore (or I think that's how I changed it a few weeks back). The data is saved the moment you go through all its dialogue and after that you can shut down the game and the menu should be there.

ah that would explain it. I think i missed the first couple of pedestals as I didnt realize I needed to continue interacting with it, i found out later they had multiple sentences but by then I couldnt back track, oh well that just gives me a reason to play through again, Thank you!

oh also, how are you supposed to strafe? i see its in the control menu on the game page but it doesn't seem to work in game? 

If you have the updated build, Q and E on the keyboard strafes you left and right. On a controller left stick does the same. If you're playing the old build, strafing is a bit clunky to do. You have to hold down the X key (I think, if I'm not misremembering) and then instead of turning you'll strafe.

I KNOW YOU USED GS OST, I just can't remember the names of each track used. I grew up playing golden sun and this is the first time I've seen (or in this case heard) this series referenced in anything outside of youtube and niche forum posts and its a porn game about fucking dragons... I'm not sure how to feel about this but I'm glad to see someone else enjoyed the games enough to add tracks from it to their project. You've earned my endorsement for what that's worth.


It is also really well made for your first 3d game. I haven't graduated past text-based so at the same time I'm not really a good judge of that.

The OST for GS goes hard, I agree. Somebody had made a great remastered versions of the tracks and was sharing them online, so I picked a few of my favorites. Sorry it had to be a porn game you finally got to hear the tunes in.

Also, thank you.


Okay but is the Boss Dragon actually beatable?


Like every time she gets knocked down she gets back up, not sure what to do.

Stab it in the ass

You got to hit her in the butt while she's laying on the ground. Jab your sword in there enough times and she'll go down.


Just wondering if it isn't too much a bother if you could patch in a "save" for a completed game so I don't have to wallop the dragon over and over just to keep the gallery up 

I think I've got the code and assets lying around somewhere still, so technically I could. Though, the game's written in an older version of Godot so I would probably have to update a bunch of the code as well.

Maybe I'll look into it.

See if I can update the controls to be less asinine as well along the way and touch on some smaller issues nobody has probably even noticed, but which bother myself.


So, I ended up patching the game a little bit. It should save your progress now and keep the extras menu for the dragon smut once you go through all the pedestal nonsense.

Now you should be able to keep ogling at the Boss Dragon and Drakes without having to slog through the game over and over, though you still need to do it at least once for the save file to happen.

Have funsies! :D


Thank you so much! For a game that you had some lamentations about, you certainly put plenty amount of love into it. Hopefully things are going well on your side of the world <3

The models and animations are really great! Can't be easy to make such appealing smut with PSX style models, so I really respect what you've done here.

I do have to agree with Zealot's comment though. These stiff fixer-upper controls drag the gameplay part of the game down for me, and I imagine also does for others as well.

(1 edit) (+1)

I've been trying to hone my half-assed modelling skills over the summer in the hopes of making more PS1 style smut. 

It's a pain. 

Been trying to be a lot more authentic to the games of its era, with proper polygon limits and what not. Though I'm granting myself certain liberties for finer details. 

The models in this game are way way way over budget in complexity, hovering around 2,5k polygons which would be more suitable for a PS2 game really. Though, the complexity is in all the wrong places and doesn't show much so I suppose end justifies the means.

Low poly designs to me are about five times more difficult than any normal 3D modeling, especially since so much of the appeal would regularly be in texturing, which I absolutely blow ass at.

The next game, if I ever get any of the prototypes I've got into a playable state, will have better controls. Smoother with support for game pads as well.

Fully agree with you and the rest of the people about how painfully awful the controls are, even if by design. 

I keep firing up the game from time to time and they are pretty horrible to deal with. I'm actually a little bit surprised the controls even work properly since the code for the game is a mess.

Curious, did your name literally come from that Dark Souls animation? Because that's how I say it in my head every time I see it, I love it lol

Oh, the game was fun too

Yes. "I've got BOSS WEAPONS!"


option for normal controls and checkpoints please.

while i understand you love things this way not everyone does. please add standard controls and checkpoints for the rest of us.

amazing work, I wish more people like you knew what they were doing as well as you do.


Will do. 

If I ever get off my lazy ass and manage to churn out a sequel, prequel or something of the similar sort worth the effort. There will be checkpoints and more regular controls.

I like the crunchy graphics, minimalist environment and well done animations. Dev comments also work well for the atmosphere.


(1 edit)

Well, gotta say, pretty interesting looking game. Pretty cool to see this kind of astetic of ps1 era, especially in the nsfw segment.
Tho tbh i have never really tried any kinds of games like Shadow Tower or something like this in my life.. but now i can say for sure.
I bloody hate this kind of gameplay.

No offence to you personally, you did well.

edit; I just recently noticed that there was actually a difficulty change in the Options of the main menu and realised that all the suffering i endured was on Normal...

 yer bloody insane, lad.

Haha. Thanks.

Yeah, it's not for everyone. I gave my game a go after several months and damn it feels awful to play all of a sudden. But it's nowhere as horrible as Shadow Tower or King's Field is... well, at least in some regards.

How will I beat the final boss?

This is such a late reply, but you need to stab her in the nose till she goes down and then circle behind her and hit the butt. Aim underneath the tail.


So, I've played exactly like half a day's worth of this game, haven't even beaten it [I am very bad at this lmao] but I gotta say, this is really good. Simple, but it's simplicity is beautiful.

The models are deliciously crunchy, as the gods intended, the maps are actually a lot better than you give yourself credit for, and the combat is really reminiscent of the King's Field series on PS1 to PS2, a classic series that I love, in spite of it beating my jaw off.

It's genuinely fun, and I really fuck with the NSFW PSX styling, honestly a really underrated way to make a game or any piece of media, to be fair.

For your first 3D Game for a Game Jam, I gotta say, solid 9/10. Heavy King's Field vibes, cute Drakes, and some Quality animations.


I tried to make the animations (even if they are very simplistic loops) squishy and wiggly enough. Would have made them more interactive and such if I hadn't been already struggling for time and figuring out how to "make stuff happen" on the go.

Partly feels like I used up and put all the creative energy I had into the project though. Been trying to refine what I learned and finding it difficult to get the same spark in.

This is honestly my favorite game that came out of itch.io. it's sad that you won't update it but I am looking forward to your future projects

Thank you.

Yeah, the game would require a complete re-write code wise and a lot of under the hood stuff that I wasn't really aware of when I put the game together. 

At this point it would probably just be easier making a completely new game along the same style instead of trying to parse any enhancements or larger fixes into this one. Haha.

This Game was SO fun! I read every dev commentary orb, it added a lot of personality to the game! :^)

I really wish you weren't so critical of your work though. a lot of time was poured into this, and the 3 drake enemies are great design. Enemy behaviour was good too, really felt like i was "punished" for whiffing a hit or blocking early.  Being able to sex the downed enemies without a game over would have been nice. The boss was challenging, finally got her after 15 trys. It honestly made me want to sprint while strafing which you cant do. Sprinting backwards would be nice movement too. (I could've gone without getting pissed on after death x.x ) Hopefully there will be a unlockable gallery in future games

Looking forward to the next game! <3

(1 edit)

on second playthrough i first try'd the dragon, so definetly wouldn't need sprint backwards for anything. it would destroy the game fight design. choosing the drake color in extras wouldve been cool.

Hah, thanks. Good to hear you had fun with the game. 

I had plenty of ideas to put into the game, but the time limit was only some 30 days after the Game Jam started, so I had to cut a lot of the things I wanted to include, especially since I was basically learning to code, apply and use the 3D models and use Godot as the game engine at the same time. Most of the gripes I had from that went into the commentary orbs.

The last boss is all about patience really. Her attacks are very easy to avoid if you know what you're doing. Even the ranged fire ball thingies are mainly just there to make the player block or spend stamina needlessly. They can all be avoided by simply strafing left or right. 

I could have paced the fight differently in the end, since she originally had way more attacks planned, but I kind of just ran out of time to include it all in a way where everything blended together in a satisfactory manner.

Any adult themed games I'll be working on in the future will most likely have stuff like galleries etc. if it makes sense to have one. They're not difficult to implement at all.

What really is more difficult to me beyond anything coding related is coming up with ideas that can be made into a game that would be fun to play.

I've prototyped a few ideas ranging from more dungeon dwelling for dragon pussy to survival stuff in the midst of post apocalyptic monsters, but figuring out an engaging game loop is the really difficult part.


Thank you.

hey look the game looks good Boss but With controller support be pretty good and dont have Z Key work right now so that it. great job on game.

Any future projects I'll end up making will have a controller support, if at all possible.

Can a gallery be added to the menu so people dont have to beat the game every time?

I'm probably not going to update the game any further, but any new projects will keep the data saved so people don't have to keep replaying the game to access any extras/unlockables etc.

is there any cheatcode

Sorry, no cheats. 

aw poo

I just wanted to log in to say please keep up the amazing work. Both of your games have AMAZING art and I'd love to see anything you work on expanded. 💜

Thanks! I'm working on something new, but the progress is kind of slow for now. With any luck I could have something to show sooner than later.

that game is just great, i see HUGE potential. And also how to get to the boss dragon, is it part of the map?

NVM got it.

Thanks. Glad you're enjoying the game even if it is quite amateurish.

(1 edit)

ı cant open game ı open its close how ı can do this help me pls  

(1 edit)

I don't know if it'll work for you too, but i converted .7Z file to WinRAR and there was .EXE of the game inside that worked perfectly, hope that helps.

Should just be able to unpack the .exe file and run it normally. I can't say why it wouldn't run. Could be your antivirus software is preventing the file from running, could be I've messed up something while compiling the game into an executable. It should run normally on Windows 10 and 11 as far as I'm aware.


Is this game all straight or is there any gay scenes?

It's straight stuff only. No male drakes in the dungeon, no option to pick the player's gender either. Mostly due to the time limit while building the game for the Jam.

Maybe I'll put more options in the next game.

how beat the boss?
I've already tuned it 5 times and it recovers

Hit her in the butt while she's down. Aim under the tail.

Excuse me, but isn't there a gallery?


If you find the "special pedestal" and exhaust all the dialogue from it until you get the repeating dialogue about voices being stopped, you need to beat the boss and go through the credits back to the main menu. 

You then get an Extras menu where you can play all the sex animation scenes again if you so wish. But, since the game has no save feature of any kind for the data in it, if you close the game and restart it, you'll have to unlock the menu again.

Can do nothing in second room. If green sphere should do something, it doesn't.
Awfully sad.


The spheres are just lore objects pretty much. The rooms don't really have any specific function to themselves beyond hitting the enemies in the face. 

It's not explained anywhere, but you must activate the defeated enemies to open the gate in the second room, if the closed portcullis is the thing you're referring to. A bit of an oversight on my part.


Really great game for a first time.

Like the aesthetics, definitely dungeon-like.

Drake models are attractive and all, just a tad obnoxious in fights beyond 1v1s.

Even the boss was such a sight, though might be biased to dragons like her.

Overall, had a blast learning and adapting, and eager to see future projects!



I'll try to make the next game a little bit less awful mechanically. Having no time constraints should do wonders in that department.

Can I use an Xbox controller?

Sadly no, keyboard only. I didn't code in any controller inputs. 

Something I'll make sure to include in any future games I might put together, especially since a controller would work very well for this type of games.

Game doesn't run for me, unzipped and ran it but it wont open. I'm on Windows, using WinRAR, i've tried running it on administrator as well. Cool game regardless :)

It could be the antivirus software on your system doesn't like the executable and wont allow it to run. That is my best guess anyway. 

should i use some app?

cuz nothing works

All you need to do to run the game is to download it, unzip the package and run the exe file. No apps or anything beyond that is required. 

The game doesn't run on any other platform than Windows though.

huh, i think then im doing smt wrong

ill keep trying, thx :)





Hey, thanks!

Sequel or a remake is definitely not out of the question. I kind of want to make a "better" version of this game once I've gotten a firmer grasp on developing games. I think the idea I had here was pretty decent and not trying to do it better would be a crime against humanity. 

A sequel or a remake would naturally have all the more bling with galleries, sex poses, enemy variety and so on.

I've been prototyping new things, but it's anybody's guess when you'd actually see anything playable here.


During the boss battle, what am I supposed to do when I knock her down? I've wacked her over 5 times and am a little confused.

(1 edit)

Go behind her and hit the butt under the tail. This can take between 5 and 10 hits depending on the difficulty level. 

Generally, if you time the knock down properly and have high stamina level when it happens, you can get in between 2 to 4 hits.

Sometimes she gets up faster and you might not be able to get in even a single hit if you're in a bad position during the knock down.

(1 edit)

Thanks! I had no idea I was meant to wollop her rump. Evil dragon, prepare for a spankin!
- I won, WOHOO!


There's a hint for it in one of the blueish pedestals. Though, it's not very direct and you can miss it too, since the room is not in the "critical path."


Where do i unlock the Pedestal for the extras is it in with the boss dragon?


Tucked away in a side passage. It's not really hidden from the view in any clever way, but you can miss it if you don't explore the rooms thoroughly.

ok i got it and beat the game but did not get the extras? do i have to beat the game with out dying?


No. It should be enough to cycle through the dialogue till you get the message about the voices having stopped. Once that happens, beating the boss and skipping the end credits should do the trick. 

It's always possible though that I've goofed with the code and it's not working properly in all situations. But I couldn't produce any issues with the Extras unlock myself while testing it out.

I should probably mention, that closing the game reverts everything back to default since it doesn't store any of the data in any outside files for later. So if you close the game and restart it, you'd naturally not have the menu either.

oh damn ok thx

Loved it, but no anal.. :(


I had butt stuff planned out for the boss dragon, but ran out of time to animate and set it up. 

But now that you mention it, yeah. It is kind of odd I completely disregarded anal for the Drake enemies. Something that I've got to rectify in the future projects for sure!


Why use the left and right (a,d.->,<_) keys to move the camera and q and e to move it up-and-down instead of the mouse. It's pretty difficult but I got through it and it's a good game also.


The controls are like that on purpose. 

I was trying to emulate playing on older consoles, back when you would have to look up and down by pressing buttons on a controller. Such as R1 and L1 on a PS1. Back when analog sticks didn't exist yet or weren't used prominently.

I just didn't include input mappings for a controller which in hind sight was a bit of a dumb-dumb decision. But personally I think the game plays better on the keyboard anyway.


Ya know what sir? This was fantastic. Great drakes, lovely, nice dungeon home, the pedestals may be a last minute touch, but they were still a welcome addition. Not only as psudo checkpoints to show how far in I was, and as guides, but also as nice breaks from the monotony.

You need to have confidence sir! This is what you accomplished in a limited time.

Look to the game Grove for example. It started as a very small game about a dragon explorer, getting lewded by slimes. That grew, it has multiple chapters, another game was made by the duo leading the project. You can accomplish the same and more if you put your mind to it because you have talent <3 God bless you!~


Thank you.

We'll see what the future has in store as far as making silly little games go. I've some ideas and with any luck some of them might be up here in a playable state sooner or later. 

One thing is at least for sure: I'd like to continue making small horny games for others to enjoy.

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